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Principal's Message

Welcome to Heaton Middle School!

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am looking forward to serving Heaton as Principal again this year. This marks my 11th year as the school’s principal. I feel very blessed and fortunate to have this opportunity to serve the Heaton community.

Each year, we have a theme to help guide us in our work. Our theme this year is “Dream On.” This title comes from the classic rock and roll song by the American band Aerosmith. Students voted on this theme last spring in conjunction with the all school reads we will do this year. We will read, Holes by Louis Sachar and 2nd Semester we will read, Middle School: The Worst Year of My Life by James Patterson. Both novels focus on the theme of achieving goals and focusing on how to make a positive future. This theme will be a reminder and guide that all students have great potential to make significant growth in their personal and academic life. We want to help students know they can make a difference if they set goals and dream big.

With school starting soon, I wanted to ensure our families had the needed information to help prepare your child for the school year. Also, I send a phone call home every Sunday at 5PM with the upcoming week’s announcements. Please make sure your phone number is up to date in Infinite Campus. Also, the call script will sent to the email we have on file. Please read this newsletter thoroughly to ensure your child comes to school prepared beginning the first day. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.

I truly am looking forward to seeing all the students who will be joining the Hawk Family and to all our returning students. This is a belief shared by the entire Heaton staff. Please feel free to call the school with questions or if you need assistance.

Jayme Cardinal

Heaton's Mission Statement

To close the achievement gap for all students and prepare them to be "college ready."

Weekly Call Scripts







