Course Selection
Each Spring, Heaton counselors work with teachers and students during the enrollment window to help students select core classes and electives for the following school year. Students enter their top choices along with alternate choices online using Infinite Campus.
Log in to your Infinite Campus account here.
Incoming 6th Grade Students
New students have the option to enroll in classes at our annual Triple Threat Night. Click here to find out detailed information about this year's enrollment night. If you are unable to attend, please contact your child's counselor to select courses for the next school year.
Current Returning Students
Students will enroll for the following year during their ASAP classes in the spring. Students will choose their top 4 elective choices.
Outgoing 8th Grade Students
High school counselors come to Heaton to meet with students and help them choose their classes for high school. Centennial, Central, East, and South are represented.
Find out what Pueblo schools have to offer at 8th Grade Parent Nights. The Health Academy will be available at each parent night. Report to the respective school to find out more!