AVID Elective
What is AVID?
AVID stands for Advancement via Individual Determination. AVID uses best, researched-based instructional strategies to help students prepare for the rigors of high school and college. These strategies are known as WICOR strategies. Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading strategies are taught and used at Heaton in ALL classes. Because of our implementation of the strategies school-wide, Heaton has named an AVID School-Wide Site of Distinction in February of 2018. This is the highest honor a school can receive for implementing AVID School-Wide.
What are the WICOR Strategies?
WICOR strategies are used school-wide by all teachers across all grades and contents. All students use these strategies to learn, study, and apply knowledge. These are a few examples.
- Cornell Notes
- Quick Writes
- Triads
- Think-Write-Share
- Close Reading
- Vocabulary Charts
- Philosophical Chairs
- Socratic Seminar
- Binders System
- Interactive Notebooks
What is the AVID Elective?
The AVID Elective is a class that helps students prepare for the rigors of college. Students must apply for an interview to be a part of the AVID Elective. The AVID Elective class is designed for students who are "first-generation" college students who plan to attend college.
Who should apply?
Any student can apply to be in the AVID Elective. Students generally should have a 2.0 to 3.5 GPA.
What are the benefits of being in the AVID Elective?
The are many benefits to being in the AVID Elective. The philosophy of the AVID Elective class is to create a family atmosphere for students to thrive in. Other benefits include college tours, Tutorials with college students, Focused Note-Taking strategies, Organization Skills, Team Work, and Community Service Projects. Please contact Mrs. Maes Johnson, our AVID coordinator for more information. 719-423-3672 or melisa.maesjohnson@pueblod60.org.