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Dress Code

Heaton Middle School believes that coming to school each day DRESSED FOR SUCCESS supports the vision of the College and Career oriented culture. The dress code for the 2019-2020 school year addresses the need for success, safety, and modesty, which helps support the sanctity and consistency of the learning environment.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and student to read the district’s dress code policy (See SC&DC File: JICA) and to know what it is.

  • All Students will be required to wear the uniform while on campus!
  • Sweatshirts, hoodies, and jackets may be worn at lunch, coming to school, and leaving school. No hoodies, sweatshirts or jackets will be allowed in the classrooms/common areas. All of these items must be kept in a student’s locker (students are not permitted to carry them with them during the school day). Students are permitted to wear long-sleeve shirts and/or undershirts that are uniform approved.


  • Bottoms ALL BOTTOMS MUST: Be Khaki/Tan in color ONLY.
  • Be Twill fabric/material ONLY.
  • Cargo shorts, Bermuda shorts, shorts, and Capris may be worn as long as they meet the previous stipulations.
  • Skorts may or may not have pockets or belt loops.
  • Tops ALL TOPS: Must be polo shirts with the Heaton logo (Monday through Thursday).
  • May ONLY be gray or maroon in color.
  • Undershirts may be worn but must ONLY be Black or White with no logos or print.


  • Bottoms May NOT be made of ANY stretch or form-fitting material.
  • NO yoga pants. May NOT be any color other than Khaki/Tan.
  • Should NOT have rivets of any kind on seams or pockets (rivets are found on jeans).
  • Tops May NOT have any logo other than approved Heaton Middle School Logos. Must NOT be excessively LARGE or SMALL.
  • This includes both boys' and girls' shirts. May not be tied or otherwise altered from a natural drape on one’s body.

Special Dress Days

  • Approved by the Principal first.
  • Jean Days: blue or black colored jeans only! Shorts and jeans cannot have any rips, tears, or holes above the knees.

Not Allowed!

  • NO Skirts, or short shorts
  • NO Yoga pants!!!!
  • NO Leggings!!
  • Excessive Bracelets CAN NOT be worn. Students may wear one or two on each arm.
  • NO High socks, mismatched socks
  • No Gauges, spikes, body piercings (only ear piercings allowed) – Piercings MAY NOT be covered by band-aids! If a student chooses to wear a “plug” or “holder” in a piercing, it must be clear plastic and not protrude out of the skin/piercing hole(s) – cannot be seen!
  • NO Adding to uniform - o Such as sunglasses, suspenders, scarves, neckties, bandanas, etc.
  • NO Large colored headbands that cover the head.
  • NO HATS while on the school campus (before, during or after school)
  • NO headbands larger than ½ inch or colors other than black or white.
  • NO Oversized clothing of any kind.
  • NO Holes, tears, or rips in pants or shorts and shirts/undershirts.
  • NO Sagging pants/shorts – below the waistline.
  • NO Unnatural hair color (purple, blue, green, etc).
  • NO Belts hanging down – entire belt must be through the loops
  • NO Chain belts
  • NO Mohawk over 2 inches long/tall and unnatural hairstyles
  • NO Gang colors (red, brown, royal blue, etc.), logo’s (ANYTHING gang affiliated) o Such as gang colored shoelaces or belts, bandanas, etc.
  • NO Visible tattoos related to gangs, drugs, weapons, etc
  • NO Safety pins, rubber bands, or hair ties, etc can be used to tie back shirts.
  • NO Bracelets with inappropriate sayings/symbols (ie. Boobies)
  • NO Jewelry resembling weapons of any kind
  • Dress code sweeps will be conducted periodically.

Students MUST correct any dress code violation before returning to class.

First page of the PDF file: Dress_Code