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Sports Clearing Dates

  • Volleyball, Softball, Cross Country Aug 12-15

Clearing will be done in the main office. All forms and the required fee in cash or check will need to be turned in at the same time. Forms can be printed from the links below. The Emergency Information Card will need to be picked up at school and filled out.

The participation fee is $50. Out of district student participation fee is $75 

Out of district students need to get cleared through the D-60 athletics office at 315 W. 11th prior to clearing at school. 

Athletic Physical Form

Parent Guidelines Agreement

Student Activities Agreement


2024 Fall sports camps

Camps are voluntary for student athlete participation. Students don't need to be cleared through the office to participate. Students MUST be cleared through the office to participate once official practice starts on Aug 20th.

Cross country camp will start in the back gym Aug 13-16 from 3:15-4:15.

Softball camp will run Aug 13-15 from 3:30-5:00 on the softball field.

VB camp Aug 13-16 from 4:00-5:30

Sports Eligibility

Attention Parents:
The eligibility process for sports and extracurricular activities is as follows:

All students participating in sports or extracurricular activities are required to maintain a passing grade in all classes

Eligibility is checked by the Assistant Principal every week either late Friday evening (around 5 p.m.) or early Monday morning (around 8 a.m.). Any student that has an F will be pulled for ineligibility.

  • 1st week of ineligibility the student is placed on probation. They are still allowed to practice and play, however, they have one week to raise their grade. 
  • 2nd week of ineligibility the student will not be able to participate in that week's contest until all grades are passing.

The coach is given a copy of the ineligibility list for that particular sport/activity that details which students are on probation and who are not able to participate.

Eligibility requirements 

Parent expectation handout

D60 Newsroom

Why Attendance Matters in District 60

At D60, it is our collective responsibility as leaders, educators, families and community members to ensure that our students not only succeed, but thrive, developing the skills and dispositions to lead lives of purpose and impact.

  • all
  • pueblo district 60
Two young girls and their dad smile as they eat dinner at Freed

Throughout the District, our scholars and staff celebrated Valentine's Day with a variety of activities. At Nettie S. Freed Expeditionary School, the second annual spaghetti dinner and dance saw the Yetis and their family members dressed to the nines for an evening of fun, frolic and delicious eating.

  • freed
CTE Month abstract graphic

Career and Technical Education prepares students for a variety of careers by combining academic and technical skills with real-world experience

  • high